These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of the GoBiz Website, located at
Dengan mengakses situs ini kami menganggap Anda menerima syarat dan ketentuan ini.
The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and all Agreements: "Client", "You" and "Your" refers to you, the person log on this website and compliant to the Company’s terms and conditions. "The Company", "Ourselves", "We", "Our" and "Us", refers to our Company. "Party", "Parties", or "Us", refers to both the Client and ourselves. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner for the express purpose of meeting the Client’s needs in respect of provision of the Company’s stated services, in accordance with and subject to, prevailing law of Netherlands. Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.
We employ the use of cookies. By accessing GoBiz, you agreed to use cookies in agreement with the GoBiz Privacy Policy.
Sebagian besar situs web interaktif menggunakan cookie agar kami dapat mengambil detail pengguna untuk setiap kunjungan.
Kecuali dinyatakan lain, GoBiz dan/atau pemberi lisensinya memiliki hak kekayaan intelektual atas semua materi di GoBiz.
1. Republish material from GoBiz 2. Sell, rent, or sub-license material from GoBiz 3. Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from GoBiz 4. Redistribute content from GoBiz
Perjanjian ini akan dimulai pada tanggal perjanjian ini.
Parts of this website offer an opportunity for users to post and exchange opinions and information in certain areas of the website. GoBiz does not filter, edit, publish or review Comments prior to their presence on the website. Comments do not reflect the views and opinions of GoBiz, its agents, and/or affiliates. Comments reflect the views and opinions of the person who posts their views and opinions. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, GoBiz shall not be liable for the Comments or for any liability, damages, or expenses caused and/or suffered as a result of any use of and/or posting of and/or appearance of the Comments on this website.
GoBiz berhak memantau semua Komentar dan menghapus Komentar apa pun yang dianggap tidak pantas, menyinggung, atau menyebabkan pelanggaran terhadap Syarat dan Ketentuan ini.
Anda menjamin dan menyatakan bahwa:
1. You are entitled to post the Comments on our website and have all necessary licenses and consents to do so; 2. The Comments do not invade any intellectual property right, including without limitation copyright, patent or trademark of any third party; 3. The Comments do not contain any defamatory, libelous, offensive, indecent or otherwise unlawful material which is an invasion of privacy 4. The Comments will not be used to solicit or promote business or custom or present commercial activities or unlawful activity.
Anda dengan ini memberi GoBiz lisensi non-eksklusif untuk menggunakan, mereproduksi, mengedit, dan mengizinkan orang lain untuk menggunakan, mereproduksi, dan mengedit Komentar Anda dalam segala bentuk, format, atau media.
Organisasi berikut dapat membuat tautan ke Situs Web kami tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya:
1. Government agencies; 2. Search engines; 3. News organizations; 4. Online directory distributors may link to our Website in the same manner as they hyperlink to the Websites of other listed businesses; and 5. System wide Accredited Businesses except soliciting non-profit organizations, charity shopping malls, and charity fundraising groups which may not hyperlink to our Web site.
Organisasi-organisasi ini dapat membuat tautan ke laman beranda kami, ke publikasi, atau ke informasi Situs Web lainnya selama tautan tersebut: (a) sama sekali tidak menipu;
Kami dapat mempertimbangkan dan menyetujui permintaan tautan lain dari jenis organisasi berikut:
1. commonly-known consumer and/or business information sources; 2. community sites; 3. associations or other groups representing charities; 4. online directory distributors; 5. internet portals; 6. accounting, law and consulting firms; and 7. educational institutions and trade associations.
We will approve link requests from these organizations if we decide that: (a) the link would not make us look unfavorably to ourselves or to our accredited businesses; (b) the organization does not have any negative records with us; (c) the benefit to us from the visibility of the hyperlink compensates the absence of GoBiz, and (d) the link is in the context of general resource information.
Organisasi-organisasi ini boleh membuat tautan ke laman beranda kami selama tautan tersebut: (a) sama sekali tidak menipu;
Jika Anda adalah salah satu organisasi yang tercantum dalam paragraf 2 di atas dan tertarik untuk menautkan ke situs web kami, Anda harus memberi tahu kami dengan mengirimkan email ke GoBiz.
Organisasi yang disetujui dapat membuat hyperlink ke Situs Web kami sebagai berikut:
1. By use of our corporate name; or 2. By use of the uniform resource locator being linked to; or 3. By use of any other description of our Website being linked to that makes sense within the context and format of content on the linking party’s site.
No use of the GoBiz logo or other artwork will be allowed for linking absent a trademark license agreement.
Tanpa persetujuan sebelumnya dan izin tertulis, Anda tidak boleh membuat bingkai di sekitar Halaman Web kami yang mengubah presentasi visual atau tampilan Situs Web kami dengan cara apa pun.
Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas konten apa pun yang muncul di Situs Web Anda.
Kami berhak meminta Anda menghapus semua tautan atau tautan tertentu apa pun ke Situs Web kami.
Jika Anda menemukan tautan apa pun di Situs Web kami yang menyinggung karena alasan apa pun, Anda bebas menghubungi dan memberi tahu kami kapan saja.
Kami tidak memastikan bahwa informasi di situs ini benar, kami tidak menjamin kelengkapan atau keakuratannya;
Sejauh diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, kami mengecualikan semua pernyataan, jaminan, dan ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan situs web kami dan penggunaan situs web ini.
1. limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury; 2. limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; 3. limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or 4. exclude any of our or your liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.
Pembatasan dan larangan tanggung jawab yang diatur dalam Bagian ini dan bagian lain dalam penafian ini: (a) tunduk pada paragraf sebelumnya;
Selama situs web dan informasi serta layanan di situs web disediakan secara gratis, kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kehilangan atau kerusakan dalam bentuk apa pun.
© Hak cipta 2025. Semua Hak Dilindungi oleh GoBiz.